I am AlisaMarie- mother, lover, teacher, photographer, doula… & more.

I have lived many lives (with many different hairstyles) but one thing has remained the same- I like doing things a little (a lot) differently. And Ive been sharing my journey and supporting women through theirs for over a decade.

Ive been a teen mom, stay at home mom, work at home mom, single mom, unhappily married, happily divorced and after much healing and growing, happily married to my soulmate. Ive been (controversially) parenting for 15+ years- had a C-section with my first and an HBAC (home birth after cesarean) second. Ive sold everything and moved my family out of state more than once. I’ve been an entrepreneur for 13 years with multiple businesses. I have experience in fitness, health & wellness, coaching, yoga, breath work, birth work & photography. I love all the work that I do and couldn’t pick one even if I tried.

I’m a mass(mess) of contradictions while loving and living in the duality of life- divine masculine & feminine, yin & yang, burn & bloom. I used to be very black and white… until I realized there are so many beautiful shades of gray and that is now where I like to hang.

Ive survived some dark times but I can honestly say I have built a life worth living. It took a lot of shadow work, vulnerability & rebirth and it was never easy but it was absolutely fucking worth it.

Whether you’re a woman coming back to yourself, finding healing through sacred union or entering the rite of passage of motherhood… I GOTCHU!

I want to hold space for you in whatever season you’re in.
Whether you’re a woman on a journey of rediscovery, love or birth… you are in the right place.