work with me

yoga, breath work, somatic healing
prenatal doula, labor & delivery doula, birth education
life: dating after divorce, single parenting, sex & intimacy, healing after religion
business: how to build, support to sustain, empowerment to take it to the next level


    relating to the body, especially as distinct from the mind.

    I want you to find healing and freedom in your body. And I believe there is a variety of ways to do that. This is a good place to start.

    These intimate sessions are intuitively led and may include (but are not limited to) yoga, breath work, tarot & open communication. I integrate somatic EMDR interventions into my practice for deeper, powerful healing and transformation.

    I often find myself in awe after somatic sessions because not only are they beautiful and powerful, they are so weird. In the very best way.

    ssions can be over zoom or in person (Anchorage, AK)


    1.a woman who assists women during labor and after childbirth.

    2. a professional who provides support and assistance to individuals or families, especially during a medical or emotional crisis.

    My role (and goal) as your doula is to support you in any way you need. I want you to have an empowered birth and I want to prepare you (as best I can) for what’s to come- whether I am attending your birth or not.

    I am always available for births in Alaska. But if you are interested in support out of state, I offer zoom doula sessions that include preparation for labor & delivery, birth education, and any additional support needed to have an empowered, informed birth experience.


    LIFE: dating after divorce, single parenting, sex & intimacy, healing after religious upbringing.

    BUSINESS: yoga & body work, photography mentorship, social media support.

    Do you cringe when you hear the term “life coach?” Because I do. Seriously. I hate it. But here’s what Ive realized… I have been coaching and teaching for many years and I’m pretty good at it.

    I have a lot of life experience, I’ve been through the shit and if I can’t use that to help support and empower others through a similar journey then what is the point?

    I’m going to keep it real with you. Whether you need guidance in taking your business to the next level or you need to do some deep healing from church trauma… I’ve been through it and I got you.