A journey to motherhood…

One in six women suffer with infertility. Why don’t we see their stories? Their grief. Their anger. Their courage. Their longing. Their patience. Their hope.

“I look at my daughter now and I am so truly amazed at what she and I went through to meet each other. I am in awe of the universe. I am certain she was meant for me. I am so grateful to have our lives not only intersect, but overlap.

I asked AlisaMarie to document my body pre-baby. I wanted to capture the beauty and strength I saw in myself for having climbed that infertile mountain. As I neared full term, I wanted to capture the new strength and beauty I saw in my body as it literally grew and stretched to be a vessel for an entire other soul. After birth, I have these photos with my newborn... each of us learning how to breastfeed and exist as separate strong beautiful creatures.

After 4 years of infertility, I learned to appreciate how fragile becoming a parent can be. I grew up believing that it was easy to make a child and difficult to raise one. I grew up fearing that the birth of a child was the death of my own life. Once I softened to the idea of motherhood though, I was met with the cruel realization that making a child is not natural for everyone. Learned that growing a child to term is a gift to be cherished and to meet your child is a gift often taken for granted.

AlisaMarie helped me capture that, as well as my transformation to motherhood. Maybe my photos can normalize the fragile and fickle nature of becoming a parent. Help to see hope... and support our village.”


The birth of Gregor