why birth photography?

because this moment only happens once

When people here I photograph births i get a lot of reactions. Most commonly, people go “why would anyone want photos of that?” with horror in their eyes.

My question is… why WOULDN’T anyone want photos of that?
That first moment you meet your child… the journey is took to meet them… the pain and joy and fear and excitement all in one… it is a once in a lifetime moment, a meeting that you can never redo. And that is worth documenting.

My role as a birth photographer is to be a fly on the wall, a silent support, holding space to document your journey. WHO is in your birth space is extremely important. It is an honor to attend and photograph births and it’s something I do not take lightly. While I am there as a photographer, I want it to feel as if Im there as a friend or family member (which I have commonly been mistaken for) because not only do I want you to feel safe and comfortable in your birth space- I want you to feel empowered and supported by everyone in the room, including little ol’ me holding my camera.

I have been photographing births for 13 years. and every single time i leave in awe of what women are capable of and the magic of bringing a little human earthside.

Whether you are planning a home birth or birth center or hospital, you can have an empowered birth with beautiful photos. And even if your birth doesnt go according to “plan” I still think its powerful to document your birth story as it is.

I do offer DOULA + PHOTO packages but regardless if you’re interested in that or not, I would love to sit down with you face to face and make sure we feel like a good fit.


prenatal & postnatal yoga
