Day 1 : Abigail

Sometimes things just do not going according to “plan.” And that can be really hard.

The “plan” was for Abigail to come naturally, on her own, a birth center. Instead, she came via c-section in a hospital and births don’t end up how you envision, it can be hard. Instead of photographing labor and delivery, I came in to visit the next day. And as someone who has had a c-section, I can tell you… the last thing you want while you’re recovering from surgery is a photographer in your face. I totally get that.

On top of recovering from a major surgery, your milk might be coming in, you’re trying to get the hang of breastfeeding, you’re getting to know your baby and everyone is probably running on empty and exhausted. It doesnt sound very picturesque.

But… the thing is… even though it wasn’t the brith you planned for, it is still your brith story. And that is something to celebrate and document. You never ever get these moments again.
I felt so out of it for days after my son was born, I am so thankful for every single photo (even the unflattering ones) in the hospital because I hardly remember it.

The last thing I want to do is add stress. When I come in for a Day 1 shoot, I just want to capture the realness of your new family- dads changing diapers, swaddling for the first time, learning to breastfeed… it’s beautiful.


The birth of Gregor


Day 1: Maybelle